SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability)

Special Educational Needs & Disability

The Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice defines Special Educational Needs as follows “A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age,
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream-post 16 institutions.”


If you would like to get in contact with our SENDCO please email at

SEND Documents

Guidance on meeting Special Educational Needs in Early Years – provides guidance to all Families, Early Years Practitioners and Health and Social Care Professionals to support planning and decision making for special educational needs and disability (SEND)

Educational, Health, Care, Plan – This information is about Education, Health, and Care needs
assessment. An EHC needs assessment is a detailed look at a child’s special
educational needs (SEN) and the support he or she may need in
order to learn.

SEND_Code_of_Practice_January_2015.pdf ( 

Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children may help with the extra costs of looking after a child who:

  • is under 16
  • has difficulties walking or needs much more looking after than a child of the same age who does not have a disability,

They will need to meet all the eligibility requirements 

If you are claiming DLA for your Child that attends our setting, please let us know with the letter to confirm as then we as a setting can apply for  DAF (Disability Access Fund) was introduced to support disabled children’s access to the entitlements for 3 and 4-year-olds. Providers receive at least £800 per eligible child per year. The funds could be used, for example, to support providers in making reasonable adjustments to their settings and/or helping with building capacity, be that for the child in question or for the benefit of children attending the setting.



SEND Matters – A Bedford Borough Newsletter that gives advice for parents and details of activities over school holidays


SEND Support, Advice 

   Home | Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum ( – A Parent/Carer Forum is a group of parents and carers of children with special educational needs or disabilities who work with local authorities, education settings, health providers and other providers to make sure that the services they commission, plan and deliver meet the needs of disabled children and families.

Bedford Local Offer – Latest information accessing services, support, and activities in Bedford Borough

SENDIASS – (The Bedford SENDIASS (formerly Bedford SEND Advice) provide a free, impartial and confidential service to parents and carers of children who have special educational needs and or a disability (SEND).

Autism Bedfordshire – help break down the barriers to social participation for autistic people and their families by providing places where they can go and feel comfortable, accepted, and not judged by society. Our aspirations are for them to have the same opportunities as people who are not on the spectrum, so that they can enjoy fulfilled and rewarding lives.

The Autism Adventure – A dad has created this website  to share his adventures with his son who has autism and to also provide education and advocacy

SEND Resources

Early Years Communication and Language Tool Kit – Is for use with children in early years ( up to age 5)

Early Sound Play Advice part 1    Early Sound Play Advice Part 2 – Children develop speech sounds at different ages and stages. Here are some ways you can increase children’s awareness of sounds and encourage them to hear and attempt different sounds or short words

Now and Next Board     Daily Routine   Clothes  Family   Activities/toys   Holiday   Places   the weekend – A now and next board is an effective behavioural management aid. It can help children who are having difficulties following instructions become more motivated to do the work they’ve been given, by showing them that something they enjoy will be coming next as long as they do the work first.

Attention Autism (Bucket Time) – is an intervention model designed by Gina Davies, Specialist Speech, and Language Therapist. It aims to develop natural and spontaneous communication through the use of visually based and highly motivating activities. Gina’s primary objective is that the sessions are fun and “offer an irresistible invitation to learn”!  Gina Davies Autism Centre – YouTube   

